Reserve A Table Form
Lesson 5 Chapter 2 Module 1

- Loc - which property/restaurant is this reservation for
- Date - The date you're making the reservation for
- Shift - The shift on respective date you're saving the reservation on
- Guests - number of guests in the reservation
- Slot - The table size or "slot size" being removed from your restaurants inventory for this respective restaurant and of this reservations guest size. E.G. typically 1-2 guests will accompany a slot for "2", 3-4 guests a slot for "4", 5-6 guests a slot of "6", and so on until 11+ guests will accompany an "11+" slot. Depending upon your restaurants specific "slot configuration" it is possible that a different guest count might accommodate a different "slot" however this is un-common.
- Time - The time your reservation is for. Note: when selecting a time you will be able to view a snapshot of available inventory "slots" per "time slot", I.E. If 2 guests accompanying a "2" slot then when clicking the "time" field you will see how many "slots" you have available for your party size at any given time.
- Status -
- Reserved: Guest is reserved and on your reservation log
- Call Ahead: Guest is reserved and on your reservation log with a CallAhead Status/Icon
- Call List: Guest is on your Call List(not reservation log and not taking up any inventory) to be contacted if a "slot is made available"
- Taken By - Enter your first or last name here for accountability & follow up purposes
- "Not Confirmed"/Confirmation Status field -
- Not confirmed: Guest has yet to confirm their reservation
- Confirmation Pending: Confirmation email has been sent; guest has not responded.
- Confirmed: Guest has confirmed their reservation
- Left Message: called and left voicemail
- No Answer: Guest did not answer phone call
- Wrong Number: Wrong number on guest profile
- Agreement Pending: Contract has been sent and not yet signed
- Agreement Confirmed: Contract has been signed and returned
- Reminder Pending: Reminder email has been sent to guest
- Occasion - Reservation's occasion E.G. Birthday, Anniversary, or Event types, standard reservation occasions are accompanied on the reservation's listing on the reservation log via a special icon
- Server Req - Server requested by the guest(s)
- Table Req - Table requested by the guest(s)
- Quick Req - Special requests by the guest that automatically populate the "notes" field which is viewable from the reservation's listing on the reservation log. E.G. "peanut allergy", "window", "corkage", "A dozen roses", etc. The "Quick Req" drop down menu may be added to from within your Administrator Module so that staff may quickly select a common request from your guest's
- Notes - Special requests from the guest or internal notes that are important, these notes are not visible by the guest however may be added to by the guest via the reservation widget/confirmation email when they're making a reservation online or responding to a confirmation email.
- Res Origin - Where has your guest come from, I.E out of town, hotel, are they a local guest and live in there area? This and many other fields can be used to run reports on later to better understand your client base. This field also may be added to from within your administrator module
- Last Name - Guest's last name
- First Name - Guest's first name
- Mobile - mobile phone number for TableReady notification, airia calling, and text confirmation
- Email - email for email confirmations and agreements
- Alt Phone - secondary phone number
- Alt Email - secondary email
- Company - associated company
- Member ID - used for restaurants that have membership systems, my be added to the guest profile
- Create Agreement - Open Agreement Template editor where you are able to email a contract to the customer requiring a signature or credit card
- Text Confirmation - sends a text message to the guest that their reservation has been successfully added
- Email confirmation - emails the guest a confirmation email letting them add special requests and invite their friends
- Message to guest - customized message to guest which is included in text confirmation and email confirmation
- Open CC profile - opens billing profile allowing you to add a credit card to the guest's profile and can be charged later