Quick Edit Window
Lesson 12 Chapter 4 Module 1

Please take time to hover Guest(s) types/Guest(s) status within your TableWatch module as these thumbnails all display an "alt tag" which upon hovering displays text explaining each icon.
- Party Size - Current expected party size
- Page # - pager number
- Valet # - valet number
- Hint - visual hint letting the staff know the appearance of the party. E.G. "wearing a white polo with two children"
- Table Req - A party's table request
- Wait Quote - Time quoted the guest will have to wait before they can be sat
- Notes - quick requests, or special notes for this party that cannot be selected otherwise, E.G. "Guest has a specific dietary allergy; peanut allergy, shell fish allergy"
- Note: Guest status icon's may be reviewed within your Icon Reference Sheet at the end of this training.
- Reservation
- Pre-assigned
- Call Ahead
- Party Late
- Party Partially arrived
- Party currently waiting/On waiting list
- Party sent TableReady Text
- Party sat at table but not fully arrived/incomplete
- Party Seated
- Party has finished and left
- Alert (send SMS to Manager On Duty)
- Note: Color cues will visually appear on the party's reservation listing on the Waiting List Log( Res & Wait view ). These colors will be different for each restaurant. Management may change the verbiage per color cue in their administrator module
- Note: Guest Type's will visually appear on the party's table/reservation listing on the waiting list log with the respective icon.
- Birthday
- anniversary
- engagement
- congratulations
- business
- bridal shower
- graduation
- baby shower
- romantic
- appetizers
- desserts
- special needs
- confirmed
- guest has called or been talked to in person and the reservation is confirmed
- not confirmed
- Guest has not been contacted or talked to in person
- left message
- Left a voicemail for the guest(s)
- no answer
- Guest(s) did not answer their phone