7 ways automated texting can help your guests
According to a study by Dimension Data, 9 out of 10 consumers want to use messaging. But only 48% of businesses are equipped to connect with customers through a message.
Trends are pushing towards speed, convenience and preferences to do things without having to call a phone number and talk to somebody or wait for a reply via email.
Here's 7 ways a restaurant can provide faster service, and improved communication between team members and management.
1. SMS Marketing: Drive warm traffic to your website, Facebook page, or booking widget:

2. Reservation Reminders: Make it easy for guest to confirm, or cancel their reservation.

3. VIP Alerts: Stay informed about guests you're interested in as they're seated in the dining room.

4. Urgent Message for Management: Front desk is empowered to communicate with management - wherever they are at a given time.

5. Wait List Management: Keep guests informed while they're waiting for their table.

6. Record of Communication: Know what happened and when. Last night or last year.

7. Guest Feedback: After their dining experience, get feedback about your guest's experience and help them out before they go public.

Can respond directly through messaging:

Or via a web form:

Text messaging for restaurants can close gaps where email, phone or in-person communication falls short.
These are just a few of the ways RestaurantConnect leverages technology to empower restaurants to be their very best.
If you'd like to take a look at how texting can help improve communications, make service faster, and elevate the guest experience, let's talk. You can schedule a strategy session here.

Let's make your restaurant shine!
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Income possibilities and marketing results mentioned in this case study are based on a specific event, and may or may not be reproducible elsewhere. Success of any nature depends on countless variables and effective email marketing is only one of them. There is no guarantee these results are reproducible. Trial and error, iteration and use of best practices and the continued push towards improvement through tracking and analysis, can continued improvements be made, whatever they may be.